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Hand Clipart, Family Hands Clipart - 5824669

автор: jezla  |  27-01-2021, 23:42  |  Просмотров: 155    

Hand Clipart, Family Hands Clipart - 5824669

Hand Clipart, Family Hands Clipart - 5824669

PSD PNG | 85 mb

This hand clipart comes in PNG and PSD making it super easy to use by dragging and dropping it into any software! These images have a transparent background and have been hand drawn in high quality at 300 DPI.
·Dads hand in three different skin tones, light, tan and dark
·Mums hand in three different skin tones, light, tan and dark
·Babies hand in three different skin tones, light, tan and dark
·Separate angel wings in white with blue tones with glitter
·Separate angel wings in white with blue tones without glitter
·Separate angel wings in white with pink tones with glitter
·Separate angel wings in white with pink tones without glitter
·Separate angel wings in white with gold tones with glitter
·Separate angel wings in white with gold tones without glitter
·Four lots of pre-made hands in PNG images
Editable files of all the hands in Photoshop PSD version


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