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CreativeMarket - Playing Cards Mockups - v.5 5793117

автор: jezla  |  8-02-2021, 01:53  |  Просмотров: 127    

CreativeMarket - Playing Cards Mockups - v.5 5793117

CreativeMarket - Playing Cards Mockups - v.5 5793117

PSD | 575 mb

Introducing Playing Cards Mockups - v.5 - 9 Views
Save time and present with style you next playing card design with those high quality mockups.
·Extreme high quality mockup that contain layers and smarts object that will speed up your presentation.
·You can insert easily your design thanks to smart objects.
·You can use any color for the background and set on / off the drop shadow.
·You have full control of highlights and shadows
·High detailed and very high resolution - great even for professional printing and presentations.
Product features
·9 Mockup - 9 Photoshop psd files
·High resolution
·Photorealistic images
·Fully layered
·Insert easily your design with smart objects
·You will have full control over highlights and shadows
·You can use any color for the background and set on / off the drop shadow
·Drop shadow on separate layer
·Professional results
·5000x3750 px - 300 dpi
·Minimun requirement: Photoshop CS6+ (photoshop is required)
NOTE: playing cards and card box designs are NOT included



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