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Sports Field Sticker | Play Game PNG - 7414134

автор: jezla  |  21-07-2022, 11:29  |  Просмотров: 89    

Sports Field Sticker | Play Game PNG - 7414134

Sports Field Sticker | Play Game PNG - 7414134


Use stickers to bring your ideas to life:
·notebook covers
·paper crafts
·laptop stickers
·and much more!
There are 4 sports fields in the ZIP archive, each folder contains:
·Folder CRICUT: Includes files in the format: JPG, PNG. Contains resources for cutting software. Resolution of raster files (JPG, PNG): 4125X2918px.
·Folder CUT_BY_HAND: Includes files in the format: JPG, PNG. Contains resource for cutting by scissor. Resolution of raster files (JPG, PNG): 4125X2918px.
·Folder VECTOR: Includes files in the format: AI, EPS. You can easily change the color and size.
·Folder OBJECT: Contains each element individually. Includes files in the format: AI, EPS, PSD, JPG, PNG.
·Folder preview: The files that were used for the preview. Includes files in the format: AI, EPS
About format files:
Vector format:
·.AI - The file can be edited in Adobe Illustrator СС 2014 and higher
·.EPS - The file can be edited in Adobe Illustrator 10 or higher
Raster format:
·.JPG - The file can be edited in any raster graphics program
·.PNG - The file can be edited in any raster graphics program
.PSD - The file can be edited in Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 and higher


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