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Vintage Light Leaks Textures - FBJSWPW

автор: jezla  |  16-08-2024, 01:56  |  Просмотров: 32    

Vintage Light Leaks Textures - FBJSWPW

Vintage Light Leaks Textures - FBJSWPW

PSD | 587 mb


We don't know about you, but we are euphoric that retro film aesthetics live long and prosper. And we do understand why many vintage enthusiasts seek the very sought-after shabby look of pre-loved photos. That's how a scoop of scratches tells a story about a battered picture from the last century. And even light leaks that used to be seen as flaws are indeed a thing now. How come these flares remain a trend through the decades? They never repeat and imitate each other, which makes them perfect in their imperfection. So here comes the collection elaborated on with respect to vivid glares that look genuinely burned. The Vintage Light Leaks Textures were carefully curated to let you feel the beauty of analog photography.
What's inside? You’ll find 20 speckled light leak JPG textures and a PSD template. The template has pre-saved settings of contract, noise, and brightness that will adjust to the image with light leaks. Feel free to combine and overlay the textures the way you want — you will probably be lucky to get the most unusual effect! Is it really worth obviously listing all the perks of using this item in a myriad of retro projects? Not to sound snobby, but we recommend you trying to shoot your shot at creating various posters, banners, merches, social media elements, or even brand identity kits.
What’s inside?
·high-quality PSD file;
·5000x3500 px, 300 dpi;
·20 JPG textures.


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