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Receipt Mockup - K3A4XH6

автор: jezla  |  20-11-2024, 23:49  |  Просмотров: 25    

Receipt Mockup - K3A4XH6

Receipt Mockup - K3A4XH6

PSD | 69 mb


A receipt mockup is a versatile tool for designers looking to showcase billing designs, branding, or transaction details in a realistic, engaging format. This mockup gives you the freedom to highlight itemized lists, logo placement, and unique receipt layouts in a professional presentation. With smart object integration, you can easily insert your design into the template, achieving a seamless, high-quality finish that truly represents your concept.
Perfect for:
·Portfolio showcase of billing and transaction designs
·Client presentations for retail or e-commerce projects
·Social media posts with a focus on branding and detailed layouts
This mockup is fully isolated, allowing you to customize the background or remove it entirely, adapting the scene to fit any presentation or branding style. The flexibility of this mockup makes it perfect for web portfolios, client presentations, or even social media posts that need a realistic touch. Additionally, the high-resolution design captures every detail, ensuring that even the smallest text is sharp and clear, enhancing the professionalism of your display.
·2 Realistic scenes mockup
·Crystal clear quality
·Organized layers
·Fully customizable bottle design
·Isolated mockup for easy background removal
·Smart object for effortless design changes
You'll get:
·PSD File (.psd)
·Help File (.pdf)



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