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Photoshop Hacker Matrix Photo Effect - 290341454

автор: jezla  |  28-11-2024, 00:22  |  Просмотров: 13    

Photoshop Hacker Matrix Photo Effect - 290341454

Photoshop Hacker Matrix Photo Effect - 290341454

PSD | 381 mb

The "Hacker Matrix Photo Effect" transforms your image into a dynamic, futuristic style inspired by the iconic Matrix movie. This effect features glowing green code, cascading binary digits, and a neon digital ambiance, creating a powerful and immersive hacker vibe. Perfect for tech enthusiasts, gamers, or anyone seeking to add an edgy, high-tech touch to their photos, this effect overlays flowing strings of code and binary numbers over your image, evoking a sense of being inside the digital world. The glow effect adds an electrifying intensity, emphasizing the hacker persona and making the image pop with vibrant green hues. Whether you're working with portraits, action shots, or abstract photos, this Hacker Photo Effect brings a sense of mystery and intrigue, merging technology and art in a visually stunning way. Step into the world of hackers and codes with this cutting-edge, digital photo effect for a truly unique look.
Photoshop Photo Effect Template Information:
·No skill need just past your photos
·03 Photoshop Raw Psd ( like Mockup Creator file ) includes file
·Smart Object Option no skilled need just past your photo
·The help file includes how to usage
·Smart Object Option
·Super Easy Multicolor
·Editable Everything
·Professional Results and very easy to use
·All layers can be edited very easily
·All layers are named and placed in groups so you will have full control over each layer and each group
Working Software Version
·CC2015.5 English Version.
·Software support version: CS4, Cs5.5, CS6, CC, CC2015.5, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022, CC2023+


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