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Brand Identity Mockup - 2A9X57P

автор: jezla  |  1-02-2025, 00:09  |  Просмотров: 14    

Brand Identity Mockup - 2A9X57P

Brand Identity Mockup - 2A9X57P

PSD | 569 mb

[center]Brand Identity Mockup is a comprehensive design tool used to present all elements of a brand's visual identity in a cohesive and realistic way. It typically includes items like logos, business cards, letterheads, envelopes, packaging, and digital assets, allowing businesses and designers to showcase how their branding looks across various applications. This mockup helps visualize the consistency and impact of a brand's identity, making it perfect for client presentations, portfolio showcases, or internal branding reviews. With customizable features, Brand Identity Mockups offer a polished and professional way to bring a brand's vision to life and communicate its essence effectively.
Here's what's included:
·5 Adobe Photoshop Files (PSD)
·High resolution 3000x2000 px / 300dpi
·Easy to edit with Smart Object
·Realistic Mockup Photo
·Organized layers
·Help file include
How to Use:
·Open PSD File on Adobe Photoshop Application
·Double click smart layer, then the smart layer tab will open
·Paste your design on the smart layer
·Save and close smart layer tab's
·Now you get the preview of your design on the mockup



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