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Cereal Box Packaging Mockup - D4P2Z7B

автор: jezla  |  4-02-2025, 14:23  |  Просмотров: 8    

Cereal Box Packaging Mockup - D4P2Z7B

Cereal Box Packaging Mockup - D4P2Z7B

PSD | 30 mb

[center]Cereal Box Packaging Mockup
Present your packaging designs with the Cereal Box Packaging Mockup, a versatile and realistic tool for showcasing food-related branding concepts. Perfect for breakfast cereal, cookies, or snacks, this mockup features a customizable paper box design ideal for highlighting product details like logos, vibrant graphics, and nutritional information. Designed with 3D elements and detailed textures, it offers a lifelike presentation that ensures your packaging ideas stand out. This mockup is fully editable in PSD format, allowing you to tailor the design, colors, and branding elements to suit your product’s identity. Whether it’s for corn flakes packaging or a snack box, the realistic appearance and professional layout make it ideal for presentations, advertising, and marketing campaigns. Highlight the structure of the box, from its paper texture to the detailed folds, making it a perfect fit for food packaging designs focused on quality and sustainability. From branding to product showcases, this mockup brings creativity and professionalism to your projects, helping you visualize cereal box designs with precision and style. Stand out with the Cereal Box Packaging Mockup and impress your audience with stunning visuals.
·High-quality mockup for presenting designs.
·Realistic feel and design layer conversion.
·4000 px X 2667 px dimensions at 300 DPI resolution.
·Smart object feature for easy replacement of your design.



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