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Clear Spray Bottle Mockup - PWGJZTP

автор: jezla  |  10-02-2025, 13:24  |  Просмотров: 12    

Clear Spray Bottle Mockup - PWGJZTP

Clear Spray Bottle Mockup - PWGJZTP

PSD | 263 mb

[center]Before printing the label, use the Clear Spray Bottle Mockup design. Separate layers for colored items and backgrounds are present in the file. You can go ahead and apply your design with the aid of a smart layer for the sticker. Our goods are of the highest quality and are simple to use.

**Additionally, the following features will be listed **

Only the Photoshop file is included with the product.
The exact dimensions of the glass are 5000x5000px
The working file is in RGB color format with a 300 dpi resolution.
There are no fonts or symbols used.
The content is compatible with various versions, and the job was completed with Photoshop version 2023.

Step 1: Double-click the "Label" layer.
Step 2: In the pop-up window, submit your design.
Step 3: Save the document and go back to the primary document.



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