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Mailing Box and Jar Mockup - B4937WV

автор: jezla  |  17-02-2025, 22:12  |  Просмотров: 11    

Mailing Box and Jar Mockup - B4937WV

Mailing Box and Jar Mockup - B4937WV

PSD | 99 mb

[center]This Jar and Mailing Box Mockup is designed to help online shops showcase their jar products with a professional and realistic presentation. Featuring two scenes, one with the jar and box side by side and the other with the jar and box slightly angled, this mockup offers versatility for presenting a variety of products. Whether you're selling jam, chocolate, skincare products, supplements, or other jar-based items, this mockup perfectly suits your needs. It’s ideal for e-commerce stores and businesses looking to attract customers with high-quality product images.

Fully customizable, every object in this mockup is adjustable to match your branding and design. From the jar labels to the mailing box, you have complete control over the look of your product. The high-quality, realistic details ensure your product stands out in your online store or marketing materials. Whether you’re preparing product images for social media or updating your website, this mockup is the perfect tool to bring your jar products to life.


Two scenes featuring both the jar and the mailing box
Fully customizable jar and box designs using smart objects
High-quality, realistic mockup for professional presentations
Ideal for showcasing a wide range of jar products like jam, skincare, supplements, and more
Customizable background to match your brand style



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