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Men’s Boxer Briefs Mockup Set - 291127216 - YEXM22W

автор: jezla  |  7-03-2025, 00:37  |  Просмотров: 12    

Men’s Boxer Briefs Mockup Set - 291127216 - YEXM22W

Men’s Boxer Briefs Mockup Set - 291127216 - YEXM22W

PSD | 278 mb


Create an amazing presentation with the Men’s Boxer Briefs Mockup Set. Show off your logos, branding and more with our mockups. After all, it is made in high resolution. And smart objects can save a lot of time. Therefore, just click on the smart object a couple of times, add your own graphics and save the result. Everything is simple! Country4k hopes you will enjoy it.

Upload your print, logo or pattern to smart objects, change the color of the fabric, belt and seams, and get unique visual content. After all, editing takes just a few minutes. Take advantage of the perfect solution for demonstrating underwear. After all, a premium mockup will help you create advertising materials, design product cards on marketplaces, etc.

Reduce the cost of photo shoots. After all, a mockup of panties allows you to test different styles before launching production of boxer shorts. Create visual content of clothes that catches and sells. After all, brands have long used this method to check demand, analyze the audience and make spectacular promos.

Get started right now! Add Men’s Boxer Briefs Mockup Set to your collection and let the design shine on a new level.


4 PSD files.
Edit your design via smart objects.
Dimensions: 6000?5000 px.
Well organized layers.
Changeable color.
Help file included.



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