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Hand Truck with Boxes Mockup Set - 291231705 - K7LMKQZ

автор: jezla  |  24-03-2025, 18:20  |  Просмотров: 8    

Hand Truck with Boxes Mockup Set - 291231705 - K7LMKQZ

Hand Truck with Boxes Mockup Set - 291231705 - K7LMKQZ

PSD | 198 mb


Create an amazing presentation with the Hand Truck with Boxes Mockup Set. Show off your logos, branding and more with our mockups. After all, it is made in high resolution. And smart objects can save a lot of time. Therefore, just click on the smart object a couple of times, add your own graphics and save the result. Everything is simple! Country4k hopes you will enjoy it.

Visualize your packaging design professionally and stylishly! Present logistics, warehouse and brand solutions with maximum realism. After all, packaging is the first thing a client sees. Therefore, it is the box that forms an impression of your brand and emphasizes its values.

Convey an atmosphere of reliability and convenience. After all, cardboard boxes are the perfect canvas for your logo, corporate identity or stickers with technical information. Place markings, barcodes and transport signs on the packaging with a trolley. Moreover, boxes on a hand wheelbarrow create a dynamic scene, showing the process of delivery, movement or warehousing. Therefore, our high-quality mockup will be indispensable for e-commerce, logistics companies and product manufacturers.

Use a dolly to test different branding options without wasting time on printing. After all, high-quality visualization speeds up approval with the customer and helps to avoid edits at later stages. Moreover, a neutral background makes the image universal and easily adaptable to any style.

Download Hand Truck with Boxes Mockup Set, showcase your unique design and create presentations that sell!


5 PSD files.
Edit your design via smart objects.
Dimensions: 6000?5000 px.
Well organized layers.
Changeable color.
Help file included.



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