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автор: Prints_Artes  |  7-05-2013, 00:03  |  Просмотров: 56 543
Newsletters PACK 2 in 1 - GraphicRiver

Newsletters PACK 2 in 1 - GraphicRiver | 50 Mb
This is a and professionally looking newsletter template PACK created using InDesign CS3 . The file is completely editable, all of the fonts used are free and downloadable. Sample images are taken from Envato Asset Library.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  7-05-2013, 00:01  |  Просмотров: 47 616
Textured Shadows - GraphicRiver

Textured Shadows - GraphicRiver | 7.4 Mb
here are 15 different shadow patterns included and 3 different shadow sizes – in all 45 actions. 2 free patterns that were used to build the preview above are also included.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-05-2013, 20:05  |  Просмотров: 134 389
VIP Lounge Flyer - GraphicRiver

VIP Lounge Flyer - GraphicRiver
1 PSD | 300 dpi | 93 Mb
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-05-2013, 16:07  |  Просмотров: 67 361
Vibrant Web Banners – GraphicRiver

Vibrant Web Banners – GraphicRiver | 26 Mb
PSD files | 11 different web sizes, and has 4 colour options
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-05-2013, 16:05  |  Просмотров: 56 669
3D Text Effect - GraphicRiver

3D Text Effect - GraphicRiver | 1.5 Mb
PSD file | Professional and realistic 3D effect
Additional effect with stripes pattern | 2 directions
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-05-2013, 16:03  |  Просмотров: 86 726
Logo Mockup - GraphicRiver

Logo Mockup - GraphicRiver | 555 Mb
6 Different angles | 6 Different background
2000?1250 – 300 DPI | Fully Layered
автор: Prints_Artes  |  3-05-2013, 22:30  |  Просмотров: 73 016
Sharp Actions 300 & 72 dpi - GraphicRiver

Sharp Actions 300 & 72 dpi - GraphicRiver | 16 Mb
Included 10 actions | ASL file
Included 2 ATN files | 300 & 72 dpi
автор: Prints_Artes  |  3-05-2013, 15:18  |  Просмотров: 57 455
Paint Smart - GraphicRiver

Paint Smart - GraphicRiver
1 PSD | 300 dpi | 86 Mb
автор: Prints_Artes  |  2-05-2013, 22:04  |  Просмотров: 57 017
Sticker Styles - GraphicRiver

Sticker Styles - GraphicRiver | 91 Mb
3 PSD files | 2Styles & Action Pack
автор: Prints_Artes  |  2-05-2013, 22:01  |  Просмотров: 67 731
Stitch it - GraphicRiver

Stitch it - GraphicRiver | 10 Mb
Это набор инструментов, которые могут быть использованы для создания реалистичных значков

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