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автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 13:47  |  Просмотров: 66 496
Free Civil Engineering Website Template

Free Civil Engineering Website Template
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 13:33  |  Просмотров: 84 202
Modest Wordpress Theme [ORIGINAL FILES]

Modest Wordpress Theme [ORIGINAL FILES] | 46 MB
Modest is a truly elegant and simple design that doesn't sacrifice character or style. With this theme I really wanted to strip down all extraneous detail and give people some lightweight and pure. It was hard to resist my natural instict to add additional design elements, but I think this exercise in restraint has yielded a theme that will serve many people well.
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 12:59  |  Просмотров: 118 422
Elegant hairstyles in PSD

Elegant hairstyles in PSD
PSD | 2000 x 2500 | 8 pcs | 300 dpi | 60.5 MB
автор: veris45  |  13-03-2011, 12:44  |  Просмотров: 67 993
Ночь и луна - PSD исходник

Небо и луна - PSD исходник
4 PSD | 40,3 Mb
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 12:14  |  Просмотров: 103 273
PURCHASED (Full Retail) themeforest PageOne-html-one-page-portfolio-site

PURCHASED (Full Retail) themeforest PageOne-html-one-page-portfolio-site
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 12:11  |  Просмотров: 90 617
PURCHASED (Full Retail) Studio inc. portfolio-business-blog

PURCHASED (Full Retail) Studio inc. portfolio-business-blog
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 12:09  |  Просмотров: 72 412
PURCHASED (Full RETAIL) Themeforest Template - "Galeria" (Updated)

PURCHASED (Full RETAIL) Themeforest Template - "Galeria" (Updated)
Description: Galeria is a single page theme, suitable for anyone that wants to showcase his work. Photographers, Graphic and Web Designers will find it very useful.

It includes two color variations (Dark and Light) and two portfolio options (Gallery and Slider). The slider used features 9 incredible transition effects. There are 2 lightbox options (Fancybox and prettyPhoto). This way, you can add videos as well as images to the portfolio.

Additionally, I added some example CSS declarations that will help you build your own color scheme.The HTML code is clean and semantic, really easy to customize.
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 12:00  |  Просмотров: 81 210
PURCHASED (Full RETAIL) Themeforest Template - "Echoes Premium"

PURCHASED (Full RETAIL) Themeforest Template - "Echoes Premium"
Description: Echoes is a Premium CSS Template that is designed for rapid development of portfolio or business websites.

3 Featured Mainpage styles, 7 Portfolio Templates, 4 Pages Templates and working Contact Page Ajax Validated.

It features numbered , thumbnail slides , content objects/elements, carousels, full-width pages, on hover icons with light-box supported images and videos, drop-down menus, multi-column footers and others to make it easy for you to customize and get it online quickly.

11 Skins with variations of Bright, Dark, Red , Blue , Green, Yellow and Brown, and Shaded version with a textured background for easy background customization.


Including: Brown, Classic, Dark, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Dark Red, Green, Red, Shade, Yellow, Help Guide and ALL .PSD's
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 11:40  |  Просмотров: 79 425
SimaVera - PhotoVideoAdmin - "My folio" (300110351) - Rip

SimaVera - PhotoVideoAdmin - "My folio" (300110351) - Rip | 35,4 MB
автор: GanjaParker  |  13-03-2011, 11:39  |  Просмотров: 69 569
YooTheme Vanilla v5.5.4 j1.5 AND j1.6 RETAIL updated for WARP 5.5.14

YooTheme Vanilla v5.5.4 j1.5 AND j1.6 RETAIL updated for WARP 5.5.14 | 24,3 MB

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