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автор: GanjaParker  |  9-03-2011, 03:51  |  Просмотров: 175 188
GraphicRiver Women's Hoodie Professional Mockup

GraphicRiver Women's Hoodie Professional Mockup
PSD | 64,2 MB
автор: GanjaParker  |  9-03-2011, 03:00  |  Просмотров: 145 408
Ermark Adora Wordpress

Ermark Adora is a clean Wordpress theme best suited for restaurants, cafes and product showcase sites. It comes with an advanced product manager and reservations system powered by a full featured admin panel. The visitors are able to rate, comment or share products on facebook (facebook integration).
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 22:55  |  Просмотров: 66 288
Smart Photorealistic Mockup Set 2

Smart Photorealistic Mockup Set 2
2 PSD | 23,2 MB
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 22:49  |  Просмотров: 72 145
ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 1

ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 1
PSD | 1500px <> 6000px, 72-300 dpi | 35 PSD files | 2.46 Gb
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 14:14  |  Просмотров: 157 064
GraphicRiver Party/Club/Concert Flyer and Poster

GraphicRiver Party/Club/Concert Flyer and Poster
PSD | 265 MB
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 12:19  |  Просмотров: 75 983
ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 2

ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 2
PSD | 1500px <> 6000px, 72-300 dpi | 35 PSD files | 2.58 Gb
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 05:19  |  Просмотров: 73 063
ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 3

ImageToday Design Source - Commercial 3
PSD | 1500px <> 6000px, 72-300 dpi | 35 PSD files | 2.72 Gb
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 05:14  |  Просмотров: 50 298
Unveiled - Ultimate Product Focused Landing Page

Unveiled is the ultimate product-centered landing page. With an eye-catching design, the call-to-action high-up the page and an impactful splash intro – this theme is sure to convert your visitors into customers.
Theme Features

* 4 unique and elegant themes, each with 2 layout options and the option of having an intro or not
* A slick intro animation, which fades out to reveal the landing page after completing
* Areas for a product description as well as selling points
* Tested and fully functional in all major browsers , even IE6 users have a good experience

As an ADDED BONUS – this download comes complete with 7 banners for each of the 4 themes. That’s 28 lovingly created banners to perfectly compliment your landing page – giving you a full marketing package for your product or service.
Whats in the download?

* Sliced design files, including .html file, .css file and various .js files
* Fully web-optimised images
* Full .PSD file of the whole design, organised into folders with named layers
* Pre-sliced PSD files for each individual element on the page, for easy editing
* Comprehensive documentation
* 7 PSD files, for the banners
* 39,9 MB .rar
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 05:10  |  Просмотров: 61 756
13 Payed Skinbox Themes ( IPB 3.1.x)

13 Payed Skinbox Themes ( IPB 3.1.x)
36,9 MB
автор: GanjaParker  |  8-03-2011, 04:21  |  Просмотров: 95 276
GraphicRiver Hanging Medieval Login-Signup Panel

GraphicRiver Hanging Medieval Login-Signup Panel
PSD | 20,4 MB

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