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ThemeForest - Pints&Crafts v1.0 - A Theme Crafted for Breweries, Pubs and Bars - 21630335

автор: michaa47  |  22-12-2018, 15:49  |  Просмотров: 194    

ThemeForest - Pints&Crafts v1.0 - A Theme Crafted for Breweries, Pubs and Bars - 21630335

ThemeForest - Pints&Crafts v1.0 - A Theme Crafted for Breweries, Pubs and Bars - 21630335
Size: 35.8 MB

We present Pints&Crafts, the carefully crafted, modern WordPress theme for breweries and pubs. It comes with a huge collection of predesigned home & inner pages, and it also includes a wide array of portfolio templates, allowing you to beatifully showcase your craft beers, and everything else your brewpub or even drink shop has to offer. We thought about everything, which is why we have also included the powerful OpenTable plugin, so your guests can effortlessly book a table online. Build a remarkable website without knowing a line of code - get Pints&Crafts today! Cheers!

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