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Akeeba - Admin Tools Pro v5.2.1 - Security Component for Joomla

автор: michaa47  |  21-01-2019, 12:58  |  Просмотров: 237    

Akeeba - Admin Tools Pro v5.2.1 - Security Component for Joomla

Akeeba - Admin Tools Pro v5.2.1 - Security Component for Joomla
Size: 1.81 MB

Maintain: Optimise your database tables. Clean your temporary directory. Or perform any of the countless other daily maintenance tasks with a single click each. | Change permissions: Fine-tune your file permissions without having to use FTP or SSH. | .htaccess Maker: Give your site the best overall protection. Create a sophisticated, secure .htaccess with an easy GUI. You don't have to be an expert. Or even know what a .htaccess file is. | Automate it: Let the most useful maintenance operations run automatically. Use a CRON to keep the file change scanner ticking while you're fast asleep. Simply and efficiently. | Redirect easily: Do you find the Redirect component hard to use? Are you puzzled by its inability to redirect URLs with parameters? No problem! Admin Tools' URL Redirect can do that. And much more. | Protect your site: Our Web Application Firewall protects your site against the vast majority of common attacks. You won't find any security tool more feature-complete than this. | Watch. Sniff. Catch: Admin Tools' PHP File Change Scanner will monitor your site's PHP files for changes. If something is amiss, it will let you know. It will even tell you which files might have been hacked.

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