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CM - Bootstrap Starter Kit + Bonus PSD's 167316

автор: GFXander  |  23-02-2015, 23:28  |  Просмотров: 68 737    

CM - Bootstrap Starter Kit + Bonus PSD's 167316

CM - Bootstrap Starter Kit + Bonus PSD's 167316 | 66.74 Mb

HTML Builder Note: You will need to create the 'tmp' folder as instructed in the documentation, this is due to the processing of the ZIP file for download on Creative Market, the 'tmp' folder gets removed.

Bootstrap Starter Kit is more than just another Bootstrap template, it's a collection of unique, professional Content Blocks, that can be pieced together by you to create unlimited layouts to suit any business.

Use the drag-and-drop HTML Builder to quickly and visually create you perfect site, or copy-and-paste your chosen blocks for greater control.

Whatever your level of knowledge using Bootstrap and HTML... Anyone can build a great responsive Bootstrap website.

Try the HTML Builder demo for yourself, we promise you will love it! - http://bootstrapstarterkit.com/bskit-demo

We've tried to make things as easy as possible for you to use and customize Bootstrap Starter Kit, and to use it how you want to.

You might just be looking for some pre-styled blocks to drop into an existing project, or you might be wanting to learn Bootstrap and aren't sure where to start, or you might be wanting to quickly prototype some pages for an urgent client meeting.

However you want to use Bootstrap Starter Kit is up to you.

We have separated the blocks into the following categories:

Promo Blocks
Content Blocks
Gallery Blocks
Team Blocks
Pricing Tables
Contact Blocks
Footer Blocks


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