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Декупаж в программе Мастер-класс по Декупажу на TVJAM.RU Еще больше интересных мастер-классов вы найдете в Арт-мастерской"Территория Творчества". Теги: za дело! за дело! мастер-класс кракелюр декупаж.

автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 21:34  |  Просмотров: 81 735
Universal Form Builder v1.6.6

Universal Form Builder v1.6.6
Universal Form Builder v1.6.6 | 37.916 MB

Universal Form Builder is a script which can create amazing forms. it can be integrated with wordpress, Woo Commerce, joomla, drupal, opencart, magento and any site. All through a widget code which is generated by the application. Also it provides an administration section where site admins can create custom forms, fields, custom skin, manage layout fields and all kind of editing operations.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 21:31  |  Просмотров: 82 734
The SEO v1.7 - SEO and Digital Marketing Agency WordPress Theme

The SEO v1.7 - SEO and Digital Marketing Agency WordPress Theme
The SEO v1.7 - SEO and Digital Marketing Agency WordPress Theme | 37.916 MB
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 21:29  |  Просмотров: 77 175
BoomBox v1.6.0 - Viral Buzz WordPress Theme

BoomBox v1.6.0 - Viral Buzz WordPress Theme
BoomBox v1.6.0 - Viral & Buzz WordPress Theme | 16.046 MB

Boombox is most powerful and flexible viral and buzz style WordPress theme. Flexible and fully customizable viral magazine theme combined with most powerful Viral content plugin with a ton of snacks and exclusive features and all that packed with dozens of powerful and popular plugins and with top-notch design.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 21:23  |  Просмотров: 76 499
907 v4.0.16 - Responsive WP One Page - Multi One Page Parallax

907 v4.0.16 - Responsive WP One Page - Multi One Page Parallax
907 v4.0.16 - Responsive WP One Page - Multi One Page Parallax | 19.379 MB
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 19:03  |  Просмотров: 71 571
KuteShop v1.7.0 - Multipurpose WooCommerce Wordpres Theme

KuteShop v1.7.0 - Multipurpose WooCommerce Wordpres Theme
KuteShop v1.7.0 - Multipurpose WooCommerce Wordpres Theme | 271.808 MB

KuteShop is a modern, clean and professional multi-purpose WordPress theme, It is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. It is super for fashion shop, digital shop, games shop, food shop, devices shop, household appliances shop or any other categories.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 19:00  |  Просмотров: 71 744
[ThemeForest] LightBook v1.0 - Church PSD Template

[ThemeForest] LightBook v1.0 - Church PSD Template
[ThemeForest] LightBook v1.0 - Church PSD Template | 211.238 MB

LightBook Church PSD template With the complete package you have a wide range of possibilities to design almost any kind of personal and professional web layouts.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 18:58  |  Просмотров: 67 327
[ThemeForest] Bravo v1.0 - Multi-Purpose PSD Template

[ThemeForest] Bravo v1.0 - Multi-Purpose PSD Template
[ThemeForest] Bravo v1.0 - Multi-Purpose PSD Template | 546.677 MB

Bravo – Multi-Purpose PSD Template Bravo is a Multi-Purpose PSD template with awesome collection of 8 niches (Business, Consultancy, Restaurant, SEO, Construction, Architecture, SPA, Fashion Shop). Every niche is designed accordingly its purpose. And also in this template every home its own inner pages which is basic need of niche.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 18:55  |  Просмотров: 70 654
CodeCanyon - Taxi Booking App v1.0

CodeCanyon - Taxi Booking App v1.0
CodeCanyon - Taxi Booking App v1.0 | 343.864 MB

This project is a complete clone of Uber, which is a taxi booking App. We have build this app using Native Java for Android. This sale comes with User app, Driver App & Robust CMS.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 00:59  |  Просмотров: 72 939
Addon Creator for Visual Composer v1.1.4

Addon Creator for Visual Composer v1.1.4
Addon Creator for Visual Composer v1.1.4 | 4 MB

The Addon Creator is a revolutionary tool for Visual Composer that everyone has been waiting for. This unique tool allows you to create any custom addon in minutes or use any of our +100 predefined addons we specially made for you.
автор: Prints_Artes  |  4-01-2017, 00:57  |  Просмотров: 73 946
Elrumi v1.0 - Creative HTML5 Bootstrap Template

Elrumi v1.0 - Creative HTML5 Bootstrap Template
Elrumi v1.0 - Creative HTML5 Bootstrap Template | 3 MB

ELRUMI is a simple, clean minimalis, & modern Responsive HTML5 Template. It’s Ideal for any portfolio, freelancer, creative agency, landing page and all kind of small-business sites.

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