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ThemeForest - Directory v1.8 - Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

автор: GFXander  |  13-04-2015, 23:35  |  Просмотров: 74 998    

ThemeForest - Directory v1.8 - Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

ThemeForest - Directory v1.8 - Multi-purpose WordPress Theme
PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files | 29 Mb

Directory Multi-purpose Responsive WordPress Theme is an absolutely unique premium WordPress theme, it is the result of months and months of development and constant feedbacks from users and buyers. This theme is built in cooperation with you! Your users will never have access to the WordPress dashboard, everything is done on the front-end. You can, register, login, edit your profile, submit listings, and so much more from the front-end without having to visit the WordPress dashboard.

And if this isn't enough, with DirectoryListing theme, your users will also be able to manage their existing listings from the frontend, they can decide to delete their listings or to update them. Directory Multi-purpose Responsive Wordpress Theme is a content driven portal that is ideal for listing of any kind of entity or activity on a Global or Local basis.

Who could have ever imagined that within less than 5 minutes you can install & start running your own Directory for as less money as you can think of (just 48$) ! Well this is no longer a promise, it's a fact. Set up an online directory portal of any type - companies, shops, restaurants, real estate, websites and so on in no time with DirectoryListing Responsive WordPress Theme.


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