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CodeCanyon - PHP Project Management System v1.1

автор: GFXander  |  21-09-2014, 23:46  |  Просмотров: 89 508    

CodeCanyon - PHP Project Management System v1.1

CodeCanyon - PHP Project Management System v1.1
javascript JS, CSS, PHP | 1.13 Mb

Project Management System is a powerful php tool which can help you to manage your projects in your server and create multiple companies inside one installation and grant access to different companies to different users. Also you can give specific access to projects to specific users so they can only see the projects they have access for. Php project management system is able to provide you full project updates what's going on in the project, project plan, add new to do lists, and add tasks inside todo lists assign tasks to specific users, discuss tasks and include members in email for discussion on task, Project files are also available you can add project files and then discuss files also include members to receive email on dicussion on files, when task is complete click the Active button and the task status will become done.


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