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GraphicRiver Set of Rope Brushes for Illustrator 1984863

автор: GFXander  |  10-09-2014, 00:30  |  Просмотров: 89 063    

GraphicRiver Set of Rope Brushes for Illustrator 1984863

GraphicRiver Set of Rope Brushes for Illustrator 1984863

Vector EPS, Layered PSD, Transparent PNG, JPG Image, AI Illustrator | Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS | 14.07 Mb

This set of 9 rope pattern brushes includes: light colored, natural colored, reverse, two end types (smooth and rough) and a set with bolder outlines.

They all have a clean graphic style that's perfect for screen printing and graphic design of western, nautical, rodeo, and other rope associated themes. The brushes can be applied to any vector path in illustrator such as borders, knots and text. You can even draw live rope paths with your stylus pad. Instructions for learning to tying knots , how to get the most mileage out of your brushes are included and how to install the set so they become accessible through your brushes palette, ready whenever you need them.

I almost forgot to mention that I also included a Bonus set of rope borders and elements that are useful as ready made assets or examples to get your creative juices going. These include: star, oval, simple rectangle, fancy rectangles and ovals, and a few borders with knots.


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