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The Classic & Essential Watercolor - 850831

автор: jezla  |  14-11-2016, 14:41  |  Просмотров: 27 413    

The Classic & Essential Watercolor - 850831

The Classic & Essential Watercolor - 850831

PSD, PNG, JPG | 330 mb

This pack comes with 10 watercolor logo templates and below you will find the list of fonts I've used for their creation.

Whats in this package?
•52 watercolor splashes in different shapes and colours. Only sweet and playful colours, if you are looking for something more serious, you are in the wrong place :) They are all PNG files so any software that works with PNG will open them.
•10 logo templates to make your life easier and maybe give you some ideas? ;) Simple and fun designs.
•4 abstract watercolor backgrounds that can be used to design all kinds of stationary and social media kits. They really look unique and beautiful.
•4 essential metallic foils in two types of shimmery gold, silver and rose gold.
•8 essential patterns in gold and black .

Fonts I used: logo1. bromelo + helvetica neue ultra light logo2. autumn chant + audrey logo3. aquatico + amatic sc logo4. daniel + edition logo5. hallohandletter +poiret one logo6. hallohandletter + poiret one caps logo7. athens + athens caps logo8. madina script + helvetica neue logo9. athens


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